April Reflections

Can you believe we've reached the end of the fourth month in 2023? We're a third of the way through the year!! It has felt like such a full month, with so much that's happened - it's felt like a bit of a whirlwind!

Spring Retreat

On the 1st of April, we completed our Spring Retreat on the Isle of Mull. This was the first retreat that I had run with Lindsey Porter from Yoga-Nu-U, and we had so much fun! The picture below is of some of us drumming on a local beach - the weather was so beautiful the day we arrived, we went and made the most of it. We have got dates to run another one together in April 2024 - get in contact for more details: susie@pauseandbreathe.co.uk.

New Premises

On 11th April we signed the lease for our own premises. After a bit of miscommunication with the planning department, we got the go-ahead - at last! We're so pleased to have a permanent base, and can't wait to get in there. The building has been out of use for 23 years - so there's a LOT of work to do! We're aiming for a mid-June open - keep everything crossed for us. 

In case you haven't seen it - here's Phil showing us round the premises, and explaining our ideas for it:

We also had a visit from Michael Matheson, MSP - which you can read about here: https://www.cvsfalkirk.org.uk/breaking-news-third-year-of-communities-mental-health-and-wellbeing-fund/

Many thanks to our community members who were able to be present at very short notice.

France Retreat

In April, I also went on my very first in-person retreat since 2019! I can't believe that it's been so long. This was the first time that I've been on a retreat abroad, and also the first time that a retreat hasn't had a sole mindfulness focus. Lots of firsts!

I had such an amazing time. The first two days were sunny, and I felt myself decompressing. The different elements of Mindfulness, Qi Gong, Nia (dance) and Yoga gave me a mix of stillness and movement and unlocked in me a feeling of freedom. I remembered how much I love to dance - really dance - and I will be looking for a Nia class now I'm back.

Below are two photos from the retreat - taken from the organiser as I didn't take any of my own! Phil joined me for the second half too, and it was something very special to spend that time with him.

Getting Unstuck

This has been our theme throughout April, and I have to say that I feel much less stuck than previously! We have made some decisions about our online community and how this will run in the future - please see information coming out about this. We're moving forward with our own premises. Things are changing - in flex - and although this is a time of uncertainty, I'm embracing that.

I know that this is such a big topic, though - we're planning to stick with it. I'll be starting a mentorship group, and is our first quarter this is what we'll be focusing on. Message me if you'd like to hear more: susie@pauseandbreathe.co.uk


Why Practice Silence?


The purpose of life